Ember Youth Ministry

Wednesday Nights 6:30 - 8:00pm

Carry. Build. Repeat.

Ember Youth Ministry is the Student Ministry of Clare Assembly, grades 6-12. 

Psalm 104:4- "He makes his messengers winds, his ministers a flaming fire." 

In the fronteer days, starting a fire was a laborsome task. Guides and scouts quickly realized they could carry the fire with them to the next camp by carrying an ember. The ember would be carefully packed with tinder, wet moss, and bark to ensure the right combination of fuel and safety. 

Ember Youth Ministry carries the fire of Jesus to their friends, light a spark, build a new fire in their hearts for Christ, and repeat. 

Ember Youth Ministry meets Wednesday Nights from 6:30pm to 8pm.  Michigan has four seasons, as does Ember Youth! Summer and Fall with Ember mean bonfires, hotdogs, and trips to the Great Lakes. Winter and Spring mean worship nights, games in the gym, and life groups.